Worship With Us
We have a verity of services here at at St Pauls. You are invited to join us, whether you have been going to church for years or have never been in a church building. Everyone is welcome here!
Use our Connect form or email admin@stpaulstockton.church if you would like further details
9:00am Communion A quiet and reflective service of holy communion that lasts approximately 30 minutes.
10:30am Service A service for everyone. Children are always welcome, we have a dedicated kid’s space on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. We share Holy Communion at this time on the 1st Sunday of the month (there is no 9:00 service on these weeks). Church lasts about an hour and 15 minutes, and is followed with Tea, coffee, and a chance to get to know other people at the Church
4:00pm Bubble Church On the forth Sunday every month, Bubble Church is a free, puppet-packed, Jesus-centred, coffee-and-food-fuelled, 30 minute kids and families adventure. A light tea is provided for the children that attend, to help with catering numbers please sign up here.
10:00am Baby & Toddler Church We meet every Tuesday during termtime. Join us for free play, refreshments, songs and stories for 0-5s and their parents/carers
9:30am Midweek Communion A quiet and reflective service of holy communion that lasts approximately 40 minutes. Followed by refreshments
Church Online!
We do not currently stream our regular services.
Recent Recorded Services
If you want to catch up with our recent services you can find them here and on our YouTube Channel Here is a recent service where we were visited by an amazing four footed friend! (there is no audio for the first part of the service due to a technical hitch)