This Sunday we are looking at the theme of ‘Celebration’. We see this theme throughout scripture from the inception of the Jewish festivals, all the way through to the final feast of Revelation. I wonder what you are celebrating at the moment as we move towards Christmas, and the ultimate reason for celebration? – the coming of Christ.
Aside from celebrations, here’s the up-and-coming things in our Church Diary:
Mon 1st Nov 6-7pm Pilates Class in Church
Tues 2nd Nov 7:30pm PCC Standing Committee
Wed 3rd Nov 09:30 Morning Holy Communion
Sun 7th Nov 10:30-12pm Sunday Service: Obedience (Jonah 3:1-5,10; Mark 1:14-20)
Mon 8th Nov 6-7pm Pilates Class in Church
Wed 10th Nov 09:30 Morning Holy Communion
Sat 13th Nov 10-12pm Coffee Morning in Church
Sun 14th Nov 10:30-12pm Sunday Service: Remembrance (Daniel 12:1-3; Mark 13:1-8)
Important Dates
Coffee Morning
The coffee morning is a fantastic opportunity for us to meet together, and to meet visitors from our local community.
One of our values is ALL CAN PLAY: Can you let Stuart or Faye know if you can help set up, bake cakes, serve teas, clear down. Events like this are great, but they need a little team to make them work smoothly.
Operation Christmas Child (Christmas Boxes)
Please take one of the Christmas boxes at the back of Church to fill with small Christmas presents for children in poverty-stricken parts of the world. These are to be returned on Sunday 21st November at the 10:30am service. We are aiming to fill at least 30 boxes.
Life Groups
We are in the process of starting LIFE GROUPS at St Paul’s. These are groups of 4-15 people meeting together to pray about reaching out in mission to Stockton. We would love you to get involved with a life group as they are a great space to gather with other Christians midweek; grow as a follower of Jesus; and Go in mission with others to be the beating heart of God’s love for Stockton. Speak with Rev Paul or with one of the Life Group Leaders to find out more.
Life Group leaders are:
- Stuart McCormack & Richard Warren
- John & Jean Eyles
- Yvonne Lowes & Linda Errington
Pray for our world: For Children around the world living in poverty
For girls in Afghanistan being denied education under the new Taliban government
Pray for our Church: That we would grow to be the beating heart of God’s love for Stockton.
For all who are ill, struggling, grieving, and feeling loss
Pray for Stockton: To be healed of brokenness. For freedom from the power of drugs and addiction.
For our local schools, families, and young people.
For older members of the community facing cold weather and loneliness
As we pray, may we also ask God to show us who to go to, and how to be the answer to our prayers.
You can make use of the Church prayer space midweek by contacting Stuart at the office or email admin@stpaulstockton.church
We want communication to be a two-way flow, so please give Stuart any of the following information by email at admin@stpaulstockton.church, or by contacting him at the Church office on 07926 549125:
Please let Stuart know the following information:
- Any important prayer points for the bulletin
- Any important dates
- Any encouragements or points of thanksgiving
Anything to be included needs to be given to Stuart by MONDAY EVENING ready for the bulletin to go out on a FRIDAY.